Allie Surdovel

Note: Website update under progress- Last major 2017

Repeat for princess costume garment bag

allie surdovelComment

I have been doing some freelance work for a toy company in New Jersey called Cartwheel Kids recently. I have worked on creating the packaging in the theme of "Glamor Princess" for princess costumes and jewelry etc. The packaging is made to look like trompe l'oeil garment trunk or chest covered in jewels, pearls, and fun metallic details. It is made so it can be continually used after purchase as a container for added product value. 

the finished packaging 

the finished packaging 

A little prototype  I made. 

Some of the original sketches. 

Some of the original sketches. 

I also just finished creating a print for a product extra, a garment bag to contain the princess costumes to give the feel of a fancy boutique to the clothing for little girls. The bag will be printed on one side and solid on the other. 

the finished repeat

the finished repeat

And here are some of my original concepts.